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Monday, December 29, 2008

Victorious Valley Home For Girls

Several years ago some friends of ours gave us a copy of the Victorious Valley Home Girls Chior CD. Soon it became one of my favorite and most listened to CD in my collection of Christian music. Little by little I found out more about them and discovered that more people then I thought knew of them.

This Christmas my brother Ryan gave me two more of their CD's. From the very first song I felt the spirit of God through their singing and testimonies. These girls have been through pain, came from broken homes, and have a history of living life for the devil. When these girls sing "Jesus paid a dept He did not owe and I owe I dept I could not pay . . . " they realize that they never could repay Christ for giving them a new life. To them Christ really is a "Father to the Fatherless." It gives me joy to listen to them sing with their new found joy and desire to show others the way to Christ. You wont find much better singing then theirs.


A Joyful Heart said...

I love their CD's too! They sing so good! Happy New Year early!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog while searching for a Victorious Valley CD, and I thought your blog was very interesting. I'm so happy to see other girls my age serving the Lord. It seems like there are so many people where God is just a distant thought, and other things in their lives are more important that it makes me happy to see other people, teens and college students especially, who love the Lord.

My favorite Victorious Valley CD is probably Picture of Grace or Things that Never Die. I go to a Christian school and for the past two years we had a revival at the church (the school is a ministry of the church) with Pastor Johnny McGill and Mrs. Susie there.

Happy Belated New Year!

Jennifer said...

Hi Stephanie M!

Welcome to my blog and thanks for commenting! I'm glad you found my little space on the web to be interesting since I sometime wonder if anyone enjoyes reading it! It sounds like the revivals you told me about are very good, I would like to see the Victorious Valley Girls in person one day. I've watched them on You Tube . . . what a blessing!

Thanks for stopping by, keep serving God no matter who else does!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I am a member of VVBC. Just stumbled upon ur blog. It was a blessing. I love them too; SOOO very much! Just wanted to say hello. Keep seeking His face!
, Anna.