Martin Luther once said, "If I fail to spend two hours in prayer each morning, the devil gets the victory through the day. I have so much business I cannot get on without spending three hours daily in prayer." That has never left my mind. So busy he has to spend three hours in prayer? Don't we usually think the opposite? If I'm very busy my first tendency is to spend less time in prayer, not an extra hour! But what a great mistake that is.
While at a Set Apart Girl Conference in June Leslie Ludy said that the best time management is prayer. I have since made an effort to make prayer a priority in my life and have been so blessed by doing so! This morning I didn't make much time to pray, but I prayed anyways and continued to pray as I did my hair and made my bed before I left for a shopping trip to buy some necessary items. From the first store to the very last I found everything I needed and in a timely manner! I almost always go home without something on my list because I couldn't find what I needed or I got so frustrated that I decided to buy it later, but this morning it was so easy to find everything I needed with no frustration. A huge blessing was to find modest clothes and on sale as well! Praise the Lord! Putting God first is the best thing I could ever do! Thanks, Easter, for the inspiration to put this to the test!
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