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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Memories of 2008

My sister Bethany said I'm "IT" in a game of "blog tag."

Here's the rules:
1. fill in your memories of 2008.
2. Link my blog to yours.
3. Tag others and comment on their blog so they know they are tagged.

Here I go!

I have finished: The Medical Coding Course

A movie I have watched: Flywheel, made my the producers of Facing the Giants (I thought this movie was a lot better though!)

A new skill I have aquired: Decorating cakes with fondant icing.

A moment I will always remember: When I was wet and floured by my brother at my graduation party. I was one sticky mess!

A book I have read: Mostly the Bible, but also "What Do I Know About My God?" by Mardi Collier

A new place I visited: Lancaster, PN - Amish country!

An inspiring verse or quote: "For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it." Romans 8: 24-25

Now I tag Under Southern Skies and Anne. Have fun girls!


A Joyful Heart said...

Thanks, Jennifer, this looks like fun! I enjoyed reading your answers!

Vanessa said...

Thanks for visiting my blog Jennifer :) I also visited Lancaster County, PA in August 2008 with my husband and son.

We met up with my parents who were doing a bit of a road trip through North America.

Wasn't Lancaster County just so peaceful and quaint? It definitely inspired me to simplify.

Blessings to you!
