I really like Psalms 119:30 and it kind of became my theme verse throughout the whole week. "I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid before me." For example, it is possible for me to believe that God doesn't love me, and know Romans 8:38-39 by heart. You see, I know the truth that is spoken in these verses, but I am choosing to believe the lie that God doesn't love me. That's why Psalms 119:30 is so amazing! I have chosen the way of truth! Romans 8:38-39 says, "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angles, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, not things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." In those moments of doubt, I need to look to Christ and look to this verse and the many others that are in God's word and say to my soul, God does love me and there is nothing that can separate me from His abundant love! That's why it is so important to set God's word continually before our eyes. Not so we can point out sin in others lives, but so that when the devil throws lies at us we can bring that scripture to our memory and focus on the truth.
This is something that I've had to be reminded of over and over, because even two weeks after Journey I found myself discouraged and lacking the zeal that I previously had. I had gotten my focus onto myself and my heart issues, the whole time neglecting to have faith in the truth. Proverbs 19:9 tells us that "he that speaketh lies shall perish." I always thought that meant when the wicked lost sinners lied continually, his body would some day perish, whether it be in hell or by judgment on this earth. But now I see the verse in a new light. When I speak lies to my soul, my spiritual walk with God is damaged and my joy in loving God and others perishes. Therefore will I choose truth, and my soul is set free!
There is so much truth in God's Word that could change our lives if we would only read it and believe. Do you want freedom? Have faith in the truth!
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