This particular day, as I was singing along in the privacy of my car, I really started thinking about the words. Actually, it was probably God pointing them out to me, because that is something He would do. ♪ "Mercy said no, I'm not gonna let you go. I'm not gonna let you slip away, you don't have to be a fraid. . . sin will never take control . . ." I started thinking about how much I deserve to be let go. God should just say, "That's enough. If you want to be that way I'll let you live misserably in your selfishness." But instead He promised to never leave me nor forsake me. He promised to be right by my side chastising me when I do wrong and trying to direct me in the right way. He'll be right there to give me the love that I need, grace that I couldn't live without . . . and his enduring mercy.
♪ "Thank you Jesus, mercy said no!" ♪
What a lovely post! I often feel the same way, yet it God still holds me lovingly in His arms. What a blessing. Thank you for sharing!
Your sister in Christ,
Thank-you for the comment.
Good Morning Miss Jennifer!
I just stopped over from Miss Frannie's blog...and wanted to say "hello!" You have a lovely blog...and it is so encouraging to see young ladies "walking humbly with their God." I just wanted to encourage you in that remind you that He is always with us...and to let you know that I will stop back again to read more of your wonderful posts!
Have a blessed weekend,
Mrs. Laura
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