But I don't think the devil wanted us to have revival. In fact I know for sure that he was against the whole thing! All week I have been struggling to keep my mind on God and everything seemed to be going against me. One day I was in a really bad mood, the next night I couldn't' sleep, then my back started hurting. . . I'm not trying to start a pity party for myself, I'm just making a point. The devil was fighting all week!
By Thursday (the day before revival started) I knew I needed to get through to God and let Him refresh my heart. So I went to the book of Job to see what he did when everything seemed to be going against him. Let me remind you what he went through just in the first chapter of Job. All his oxen were taken my the Sabeans, his sheep were killed by fire from heaven, (there goes everything that made him money and provided his living) the Chaldeans carried away his camels, (no more transportation) most or all of his servants were killed, and worst of all his children died. What did Job do? Did he curse God? Did he ask God "Where are you?" Did he give up on serving God? What did Job do?
"Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshiped. And said, Naked came I our of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." Job 1. 20-21
So there I sat, feeling like everything was going wrong but still realizing that my troubles were nothing compared to Job. What did I do? I worshipped. And you know what? Everything was okay after that! Blessed be the name of the LORD!
Wow...you just described my last two weeks. Other then the revival...but our church is signing papers to buy our building this Friday, so the devil has a reason to fight us too. Praise the Lord for letting us make it thru the fight. :)
Jennifer, what a blessing to read this post. You have no idea how it encouraged me in two ways. First, it encouraged me as a believer. Secondly, it encouraged my heart to know that there are young ladies who love the Lord and know the Source they need to go to when they need help. I'm thankful. Lord bless you!!
What a great testimony! Thanks for sharing!
Amen! Isn't it amazing what worshipping the Lord can do!
Jennifer, Thank you for commenting on my blog. It is always nice to hear feedback. I love your blog it is very beautiful and your writing is very good. Keep it up.
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